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Bolo di anasa

This a very typical cake from the Antilles that has become popular in many countries outside the area, but especially in the United States where it is called "Pineapple upside down cake". The american name already describes the way to do it: first we place the pineapple at the bottom of the mold and then the dough. When you turn it around you have to pray for the pineapple to come off and everything is perfect. If that goes well, it will seem you a very simple cake.

Pineapple - ananas or anasa in many languages ​​spoken in the Caribbean - is originally from South America. It is used in pastry or for direct consumption, being also highly appreciated in slimming diets since it contains a lot of fiber and is therefore satiating, with a low calorie intake (if we choose the option of being preserved with its own juice, with syrup is another story).


250 grams (8.8 oz) of all purpose flour
200 grams (7 oz) of unsalted butter
175 grams (6 oz) of cane sugar (usually called panela)
2 teaspoons baking powder
3 eggs
1 can of whole pineapple slices, in syrup
Cherries in syrup (to decorate the center of each pineapple slice)
1 shot of rum (optional)

We paint the entire interior of the mold with butter even if it is silicone. In addition, sprinkle a little sugar on the butter.

We fill the bottom with as many slices of pineapple as possible, without overlapping. In the center of the disc we put a cherry in syrup. We reserve the syrup from the can.

Mix the butter at room temperature with the sugar. It is preferable to use a blender to achieve a creamy result. We add the eggs one by one while still beating. Then we gradually add the flour and finally add half a cup of the syrup that covered the pineapple slices and the shot of rum (the latter is optional).

We pour the mixture on the pineapple slices. We preheat the oven to 160 degrees celsius (320 F) and keep until it looks golden. It usually takes about 1 hour.

Once we remove them from the oven, we immediately turn it over a plate but without removing the mold (unless it comes out without problems). Let cool and then, carefully, unmold. If all the pineapple is on the surface, perfect. Otherwise we try to replace the slice or slices.

When you try it you will feel in the Antilles with much less expense. One has to find consolation anywhere.