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Pakoras with tomato chutney

A very popular recipe for all Indian food lovers.


One cup of chickpea flour
1 medium purple onion (sweet) grated
1 small chopped red chili pepper
2 tablespoons chopped coriander leaves
Half teaspoon chopped ginger
A pinch of salt
Half teaspoon of baking soda (or powdered yeast)
Sunflower or corn oil (Indians use palm or sesame oil)

In a bowl we mix all the ingredients except the oil. We stir well and gradually add bottled water to get a liquid paste but very thick (not as much as a mayonnaise, more similar to the consistency of ketchup).

We fill a pan with plenty of oil reaching at least half an inche deep. We heat almost to the point of smoking.

With a spoon we take a full amount of pasta and let it slide until it falls into the oil. Do not knead or make a ball, as the hot oil will shape it. It will immediately fry in an abundant bubbling. When it is browned, it is extracted from the oil and deposited on absorbent paper. And so we are doing until we have all the pakoras ready.

They are served as is, better hot and crispy, bathed in chutney (see the previous post to know how to make chutney).

If you do not want chutney, you can soak pakoras in tsatsiki, ketchup, mayonaise or whatever you like.