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Breton scallops

In French Brittany, scallops are prepared with a sauce of onion and parsley to gratin the preparation with breadcrumbs. You can optionally put garlic but not everyone does it because then it turns to strong taste. The one that I present to you is the most common recipe.

INGREDIENTS (4 people):

  • 12 fresh or frozen scallops
  • 1 large bunch of parsley
  • 3 large purple (sweet) onions
  • Half a cup of white wine
  • Unsalted butter
  • Bread crumbs
  • Salt
  • Black pepper

First we chop the onion and the parsley leaves - only the leaves, the stems are indigestible -. If you want to use a chopping machine although I recommend giving it only two or three touches. It should be a fine but not too fine chop, rather as if it had been done with care with the knife. Don't worry if it seems like too much onion and parsley. There are twelve shells to fill, so better than on top not missing.

In a pan we add two tablespoons of butter and add the vegetables that we have chopped. Add salt and pepper and leave to cook until the onion is transparent.

Then pour the wine and let it cook until it evaporates completely, allowing the onion to brown but without burning. It is the most delicate of this, so be careful.

In another pan with two tablespoons of butter, brown the meat of the scallops over very high heat, 1 minute on each side but without browning. We withdraw and reserve.

Fill the shells with the onion and parsley, placing the scallop meat in the center.

Cover each shell with breadcrumbs and a small nut of new butter or, if you want, with the broth (without overdoing it) from having fried the scallop meat.

We preheat the oven to 220 degrees (428 F) and keep the scallops for 15 minutes. We take out, they will already be well browned, and ready to eat.

A very simple and easy recipe to make.