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Frog legs alla Provençale (France)

This extremely simple recipe is a good start for a holiday feast. Frog legs are considered a delicacy in many cuisines , highlighting the French, Spanish or American ones. You can find fresh or frozen legs , available in various establishments.

Frog legs have a delicate flavor , similar to chicken but much softer .

Ingredients (4 servings)24 frog legs ( legs bring a small amount of meat, so normal is 6 servings per person) 
4 red ripe tomatoes
1 large red onion
2 cloves of garlic
Half a glass of white wine 
Bunch of herbs of Provence (thyme , rosemary , bay leaf etc)
Extra virgin olive oil 
White Wheat Flour

First thoroughly wash legs and cut them the ends (the hand , to be exact) . Then salt, pepper, soak in flour and fry them in a couple of tablespoons of butter and a splash of olive oil until browned. We remove and reserve.In the same oil fry we've fried the legs, we also fry the onion and the garlic . When onion is made add the tomato without skin and seeds , a glass of wine and a bunch of herbs de Provence . We leave the sauce to simmer for about five minutes and when the wine reduces by half add the legs to cook for three minutes. Serve hot and use your hands to eat them, no fork or knife is needed !They are really very good , I recommend them .