Tomato confiture

The confiture differs in jam in that the first is made with pieces of fruits cooked in a syrup while the second consists of pieces of fruits that are cooked with sugar to achieve a reaction of it with the pectin of the fruit. The jam usually contains more fruit while the confiture is richer in sugar and more jelly because of the amount of water it contains.

Why not make tomato jam? It can be done but there is a problem: the tomato is poor in pectin. To make tomato jam you could add some fruit which is rich in pectin - like apple - or simply add pectin, which is available in specialized stores. It is not a unique problem of tomato since other fruits, such as strawberries or peaches, are also poor in pectin and still the jams of both are very common. However this two popular jams should be done with the trick of adding pectin or mix with apple.


1 kg (2.2 pounds) of ripe red tomatoes
750 grams (1.65 pounds)  of sugar
1 cinnamon stick
One cup of bottled or filtered water

First we make longitudinal cuts in the skin of tomatoes. Cuts should not be deep. First we put them 10 seconds in water that has just boiled and quickly put them in water with ice cubes. The skin will wrinkle and it will be very easy to remove it.

Then we split them and remove the seeds with a teaspoon. The resulting pulp is cut into small pieces or crushed with fork or similar, as you wish.

In a large casserole, add the tomatoes, sugar, cinnamon stick and a glass of water. On low heat let it cook while stirring until it takes a dense consistency similar to jam. It may take approximately 1 hour to make, depending on the firepower.

That's a confiture that surely you will love. And not as weird as you think. After all, tomato, although always associated as a vegetable, is actually a fruit.