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Oriental chicken wings

A very simple recipe for casual meals. It is also very easy to make and the resulting flavor is spectacular.

INGREDIENTS (4 people):

20-30 chicken wings
100 ml (half a cup) of soy sauce
100 ml (half a cup) of olive or sunflower oil (to taste)
3 tablespoons sweet paprika
2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon spicy paprika

Buy whole wings and discard the tip of them. In the eastern countries the skin is usually removed so that the sauce permeates them well but we want to make a quick and easy recipe, so we let it.

In a large bowl, where all the wings fit, mix the soy sauce with the oil, the sweet paprika, the honey and the spicy paprika (or ground black pepper). We stir well so that everything is mixed. Honey is inescapable, it gives the wings a very tasty glaze and a bittersweet super-oriental flavor.

Season with salt - little, the soy sauce have enough - the wings and put them in the bowl until they are well covered. Mix with the wings so that they permeate well everywhere. Close the bowl with plastic wrap and let marinate in the refrigerator for at least 24 hours.

The next day we place the wings on a tray that can go to the oven. Preheat to 180 degrees (356F) and keep for about 45 minutes or until they reach the gold that you like.

They are very tasty, do not miss them.