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Tembleque ("Shaky"), coconut pudding


Tembleque (literally "shaky") is a Puerto Rican pudding that uses ingredients very typical of the Caribbean (corn, coconut milk and sugar) in its preparation. Prepares in less than 15 minutes.

It is also easy to remember, since the volume of sugar and cornstarch is always the same, while the coconut milk to be added is 4 times the combined volume of sugar and cornstarch.

The name comes from the "shaky" consistency of the dessert, less firm than sweets set with egg (flan) or with jelly (panacotta).

INGREDIENTS (4 people)

  • 100 grams of normal granulated sugar (about half a cup)
  • 70 grams of cornstarch (half a cup)
  • 800 ml of coconut milk (4 cups) *
  • 1 pinch of salt **
  • Optional: ground cinnamon, sliced ​​almonds

* Coconut milk is obtained by extruding the white pulp from the interior of the coconut.

** In this case, the salt serves to increase the contrast with the sweet, so that it tasted sweeter than it actually is.

In a saucepan over medium low heat, pour the coconut milk, sugar and cornstarch. We stir constantly for about 6-8 minutes until it thickens. You have to be a little careful because when you have sugar, it could stick to the bottom of the saucepan and sour the final result.

Once it has thickened, it is poured into individual glasses and left to stand at room temperature until cool. Then it is taken to the refrigerator and in about 3 or 4 hours it will be ready to be consumed.

Before serving, sprinkle the surface with a little cinnamon or add sliced ​​almonds, coconut flakes, blueberries, etc.

A dessert so easy to make and so tasty (if you are a coconut lover) that you will repeat often.