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Onion pie


The truth is that when I received this recipe I was somewhat skeptical. A pie that is almost entirely composed of humble onions seemed a bit risky to me. Well, today I put this recipe into practice and the result has been excellent. The taste is delicate, smooth and its realization really simple. The onion pie can be a daily dish due to its simple preparation but also a recipe that due to its presentation is worthy as a first course in higher level meals.


  • Half a kilo (2.2 lbs) of red or purple onions (sweet)
  • 5 eggs
  • 100 grams (3.5 oz)  of smoked bacon
  • Sheets of shortcrust pasta (the one it does not rise)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper

Grate the onions, salt and pepper them and then poach them in a splash of olive oil together with the diced bacon. When they have expired - the onions become transparent - we mix them with the beaten eggs. We smear a preferably round mold with butter that can go into the oven and place at the bottom, also moving it up the sides, a sheet of shorty pasta - the one that does not rise -. 

Next we add the grated onions and the eggs, filling the mold. With another sheet of broken pasta we cover the filling, closing the pie with a fold that prevents the dough, when boiling, from breaking the cake.

We preheat the oven to 190 degrees (375 F) and put the onion pie for about 50 minutes. The result is a shortcrust cake with a solid but juicy interior. Try it, it has a very surprising flavor and an impressive presentation.