Nuevo libro


A true classic of Sevillian tapas, which is equally good for breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner or enduring a long night of drinks. Although nowadays each bar makes its version, most stick to a recipe that the customer knows by heart and where they will not forgive any forgotten ingredient.

INGREDIENTS (1 sandwich):

  • 1 sandwich of very tender and crunchy bread (such as French baguette or Viennese bread)
  • 4 slices of fine pork tenderloin
  • 1 green pepper for frying
  • 1 ripe red tomato
  • 2 slices of Spanish serrano ham
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil

We peel the tomato and cut it into slices. It is supposed to be enough to cover the entire length of the loaf, but if not, we use more than one tomato.

We fry the green pepper cut into strips in a little olive oil. When it is well fried, we take it out and drain it to eliminate the excess oil. We reserve, keeping it warm.

In the same pan, fry the thin slices of loin, seasoning them with salt and pepper. When they are well done on both sides, remove, drain the oil and reserve, keeping it warm.

It is the moment to assembly the serranito.

We place the tomato slices.

On top of them the loin, then the fried pepper and finally the slices of Serrano ham.

A luxury, as Sevillians would say.